Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

Harmonie du coeur

Harmonie du Cœur is  a concert celebrating the magnificence of sound through the blend of music, mantras, meditative sounds in multiple languages and live painting.

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Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

My First trip to Africa!

Perhaps that is why every pilgrimage to the desert is a pilgrimage to the self. There is no place to hide and so we are found.

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Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

cracking my heart open

As time passes and each precise morsel of contracted memories rises from the ashes, I realise with acute clarity that it’s through these wounds that I find true healing.

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Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

March 2nd- Live Sound Meditation Tuesday

Modern biochemists, astrophysicists and yogis all agree that at the molecular level of our reality, our bodies are systems of vibrating atomic particles. Each part of the body, each cell, gland and organ resonate with different frequencies and hence can be said to have its own particular keynote. (Esoterismo)

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Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

February 23- Live via Zoom- Sound Meditation with Andrea


We will begin with a short GUIDED MEDITATION designed to help ease tension through breath and flowing into the meditation.

We will then move into a total sound immersion as I create a MULTI-LAYERED MUSICAL EXPERIENCE, using Tibetan and Crystal quartz singing bowls, monolina, gong , shruti box and a plethora of unique instruments melded with celestial infused vocals making way for an introspective and deep meditative state.

We close the session with a short discussion and an opportunity to share your experience. (optional). It's a great way to work on your mind and body while enjoying the benefits of a small community.

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Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

February 22- Live via Zoom in Spanish- Meditación del baño de sonido

Con todo el amor en mi corazón les presentó la oportunidad de unirnos para una meditación sonora, una experiencia totalmente innovadora. Deje que sus preocupaciones se alejen lentamente mientras la melodía etérea y los zumbidos hipnóticos crean un refugio para la conciencia profunda.

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Andrea Saenz Andrea Saenz

13 Mars- Voyage Sonore Immersif à Chartres


Au cours de cette expérience...

♡ Tous vos chakras seront activés.

♡ Vous libérerez des blocs d'énergie.

♡ Votre augmenterez votre sentiment d'amour profond et votre capacité de guérison.

Vous serez d'abord transporté dans une expérience chamanique pour un enracinement profond et une purge à travers le son des tambours anciens : tambour 'coeur de son', shruti box, chants ancestraux, hochets et flûte harmonique, etc.

Vous serez ensuite plongé dans un univers sonore à plusieurs niveaux avec les bols chantants en cristal de quartz, en terre et le monolina. Ils seront suivis par les synthétiseurs accordés à 432 Hz et ma voix infusée d'opéra céleste vous emmenant dans un voyage à travers les cieux.

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