The Black Madonna deep in the Cathedral of Chartres

I am feeling such a concoction of emotions as I sit here in Chartres, France during this galactic upheaval that we are simultaneously facing! There is so many forces at work and so much dismantling that we have no choice, but to closely look at all the patterns that will guide us into the next chapter. As you know, nothing is a coincidence; as I sit here mesmerized by the gusts of wind that match the rushes of emotions I have been feeling lately when I look at the intricate patterns in my life. Two years ago, I was invited in sing at Grace Cathedral in San Francisco with The Sound Healing Symphony and in my research as I was preparing for the experience I found out that the labyrinth is an exact replica of the majestic Notre Dame Cathedral, but not the one you are thinking, but rather the one that I can walk to every. single. morning! Deep inside lies the Black Madonna and legend has it that the Egyptian Queen of Isis who has transformed into a swallow circles over the cathedral night and day!


*VIDEO* Flower Super Full Moon Sound Meditation


Do you speak the language of the birds?